About Mandriva’s current situation May 12th, 2010 These last days, numerous rumors have been spread about Mandriva’s situation. Out of respect for our clients and community, we want to clear the situation. Mandriva has always been involved in investment and aquisition processes. Over the past years, Mandriva bought Edge-IT, Conectiva and Linbox FAS. Today, Mandriva is in takeover talks with various investors. These discussions concerning new investments in Mandriva are not new, they have happened all throughout the life of the company, and there are still going on today. We want to stress out the fact that Mandriva has not been bought by anybody. Like many other companies, Mandriva has been impacted by the economic slow-down and took advantage of this period to develop and improve its products: an operating system dedicated to a uniquely ergonomic server (MES5.1), the most reliable free machine-management software on the market (Pulse2), Mandriva Smart Desktop to simplify the use of office desktops, education-dedicated distribution. Mandriva is also involved in many research projects, and is constantly working with the community to increase the efficiency and ease-of-use of its distribution. We are beginning to harvest the results of this development work with hundreds of thousands of PCs using the Mandriva OS sold in South America, Asia and rapid sales of Pulse2 and MES5 in Europe. So it is unsurprising that Mandriva has once again attracted the interest of industry decision-makers. Arnaud Laprévote Mandriva’s CEOLebih lanjut baca : http://blog.mandriva.com/2010/05/12/about-mandrivas-current-situation/
Gosip Akuisisi Mandriva
Beberapa hari belakangan ini gosip beredar di komunitas pengembang dan pemakai Mandriva di seluruh dunia yang mengatakan bahwa Mandriva berada dalam posisi siap dijual dan sudah ada investor yang membelinya. Sejarah sepak terjangnya perusahaan asal Perancis ini memang cukup kelam, sekitar tahun 2004 yang lalu perusahaan ini sempat di suspend dan mengalami kebankrutan yang lumayan. Namun, kekuatan sumber daya yang ada sukses mengentaskan perusahaan linux ini ke level positif bahkan kemudian mengakuisisi beberapa perusahaan IT serupa, seperti Edge-IT, Conectiva dan Linbox FAS.
Melalui surat terbuka yang di posting di Official Blog Mandriva, CEO Mandriva Arnaud Laprévote, mengatakan bahwa Mandriva tidak sedang dalam posisi siap dijual dan tidak benar rumor bahwa telah ada investor yang siap mengakuisisinya. Yang benar menurutnya, justru sedang banyak investor yang menjajaki investasi lanjut ke Mandriva. Baca kutipan post tersebut: