Fabien Potencier is announcing that Sami with version number 3.0.5 is already available to download.
What is Sami ?
Sami is An API documentation generator for PHP projects, the same utility used for building the official Symfony PHP framework documentation .
Sami was created by the same developer that built Symfony, and works just like any other documentation generator, parsing code, extracting comments, and creating a simple HTML docs out of them. Sami is quite easy to install and uses a local configuration file to store various settings and options.Developers can customize the documentation site's title, UI theme, the directory where to find the source code, where to keep the cache files, and the site's starting page.If you need a live demo, just check out Symfony's documentation.
This is changelog for Sami version 3.0.5 :
- Made phpdocs available when deciding to process classes/methods/...
- Changed the default theme to use Twitter bootstrap
- Added trait properties/methods to the class detail page
- Upgraded to Pimple 3.0
You can read the complete changelog and also download this latest version on their homepage: