Eugene Rodionov is announcing that Brand buttons for Bootstrap with version number 0.2.1 is already available to download.
What is Brand buttons for Bootstrap ?
Brand buttons for Bootstrap is A large collection of special buttons for adding social-branded buttons to a page, with optional support for the Font Awesome icon font .
Brand buttons for Bootstrap is a SASS file that allows easy creation and embedding of special social buttons.The package was crafted to work with the Bootstrap framework and can work with or without an icon attached to the button.The SASS file is basically a collection of classes that when applied to a page element transform it into a social button.Various button types and sizes are available, along with a large collection of social networks and services.A demo page and usage instructions are included with the download package.
This is changelog for Brand buttons for Bootstrap version 0.2.1 :
- Added inversed version.
- Small fixed in SCSS.
- Updated documentation: now use AngularJS.
- 9 new buttons: games and AppStore.
You can read the complete changelog and also download this latest version on their homepage: