Chris Humboldt is announcing that Buttonplate with version number 2.0.0 is already available to download.
What is Buttonplate ?
Buttonplate is A collection of various button themes, a perfect utility to have around whenever needing a consistent button UI style across a larger website .
Buttonplate was developed so developers can easily embed it with their projects and have a fully-working, diverse button style collection to choose from when creating an app's or website's UI.Coded in SCSS (SASS) and also available in CSS, Buttonplate comes with two styles: gradient and flat.Besides the button style, Buttonplate also allows developers to easily control button size and shape as well.To control both the theme, size and shape, Buttonplate uses CSS classes, which when added to a normal link element will transform it into a beautiful button.This allows developers to easily style links without having to deal with CSS code at all.Drop-down buttons are also included, but a jQuery dependency comes with this type of button set.Demos for all button types are included with the download package.Buttonplate is a standard package for the Webplate UI framework, but it can also be used as a stand-alone component as well.
This is changelog for Buttonplate version 2.0.0 :
- Changes to Webplate JSON.
You can read the complete changelog and also download this latest version on their homepage: