Abdullah Almsaeed is announcing that AdminLTE with version number 2.3.0 is already available to download.
What is AdminLTE ?
AdminLTE is An admin control panel dashboard template, coded on top of the Bootstrap 3 CSS framework, very malleable and with full mobile support .
AdminLTE is nothing more than a collection of various UI widgets and components, all added on top of a Bootstrap installation, put together to cut down development time when working on backends & dashboards.While AdminLTE is quite large, you can easily remove all the components and features you don't like, and only use the ones you really need in your application.AdminLTE itself is customizable via skins, comes with support for mobile and responsive layouts, is printer friendly, can easily be internationalized, and allows users to easily reshuffle elements around the dashboard via drag&drop.It is also cross-browser compatible, includes support for icon fonts, and is quite lightweight when it comes to file size even if it contains so many widgets and components.Included components, pages, and widgets:AnnouncementsNotificationsWYSIWYG editorForm stylesDate pickerTime pickerDrag sliderTimeline viewCalendar appInbox appLogin pageRegistration pageError pagesLockscreen supportChartsTablesDatagridVector mapsKnobsProgress barsTab panelAccordionCarousel sliderTypography presetsButtons
This is changelog for AdminLTE version 2.3.0 :
- Updated version in footer.
You can read the complete changelog and also download this latest version on their homepage: