Tom Preston-Werner is announcing that Jekyll with version number 2.5.3 / 3.0.0-pre.beta8 is already available to download.
What is Jekyll ?
Jekyll is A simple, blog-aware, static site compiler written in Ruby, the project that started the recent hype & wave of "static website generators" .
Initially developed to automatically generate and power the GitHub Pages service, Jekyll can also be deployed on standalone servers and help users run their very own websiteJekyll works by reading a template, running it through a Textile/Markdown and Liquid converters, and spitting out a complete static website.It is very fast when it comes to compiling the site, and since the outputted resources are static HTML, CSS, and JS resources, the end-product is also very fast as well.Jekyll is not a full-blown CMS, but merely a script that assembles the final website from content files and templates, without having to deal with a complex administration panel.It works solely from the Ruby terminal and uses a very easy to understand folder structure.Process:Set up the basic structure of the siteCreate some posts, or import them from a previous platformRun the site locally to see how it looksDeploy the site
This is changelog for Jekyll version 2.5.3 / 3.0.0-pre.beta8 :
- Mention CSV files in the docs for data files
- Add trailing slash to paginate_path example
- Get rid of noifniof (excerpt_separator)
- Sass improvements, around nesting mostly
You can read the complete changelog and also download this latest version on their homepage: