User Features
- Check required php and mysql versions in the update and notify if the server environment does not meet those requirements
- New wp_login_form() provides a simple login form for use anywhere
- New WordPress logo for admin header
- Place "Search Engines Blocked" mini-alert in the wp-admin header to prevent people from accidentally delisting themselves
- Remove 'Turbo' link from admin header and remove Turbo section from the Tools->Tools panel
- Renamed various menu items, for example Posts->Edit becomes Posts->Posts, and Links->Edit becomes Links->Links, and so on
- Revised administration menu icons
- Revised Gray Admin Color Scheme
- Revised information in
file - Show login form upon email-sent for recover/reset passwords
- Add link so user can visit Dashboard after core upgrade
- Move Tools->Upgrade menu option to Dashboard->Updates and overhaul of user interface so themes, plugins, and core upgrades under one panel
- New menu management (navigation) via Menus option under Appearances Menu (#11817)
- Password nag for newly registered users
- Split Right Now widget into Content | Discussion
- Allow for removing all tags in quick edit
- Allow themes to style the visual editor with editor-style.css file, using add_editor_style() function
- Enable custom taxonomy UI for pages as well as for posts
- Improved revision comparison user interface
- Shortlinks enabled, but still requires a plugin or theme support to fully realize this feature
- Added capital_P_dangit() filter to change 'Wordpress' to 'WordPress'.
- Add oEmbed support
- Allow Deletion of Media Alt text
- Change Media UI labels from "Post Thumbnails" to "Featured Image"
- Cleanup of the edit media screen
- Don't let "Crunching" overlap image name while uploading
- Optimize scan for lost attachments
- Support for additional file type extensions (Changesets 12581 and 13349)
- Order link categories by name, not count, on Add New/Edit Link page
- Add additional columns to the Posts Comments view
- Allow configuration of number of comments to display Recent Comments dashboard module
- Block comments for future posts and password protected posts (when password not provided)
- Change to comments UI to show when a comment is replying to another, and link to the parent comment
- Add meta_value_num and meta_key ordering for WP_Query to allow natural numeric ordering of results
- Add filter to get_avatar() to allow avatars for custom comment types
- Allow Tab indenting, Shift-Tab (outdenting), and multi-line tabbing, in theme editor
- Allow the Tag Cloud Widget to support non-tag taxonomies
- Allow theme background customization via new Background panel under Appearance menu
- New template file, front-page.php, for the front page of a site
- New template file, single-{post_type}.php, for custom post types
- New template files, author-{nicename}.php, and author-{id}.php, for author specific templates
- New template files, taxonomy.php, taxonomy-{taxonomy}.php and taxonomy-{taxonomy}-{term}.php for custom taxonomies
- Style tweaks to theme editor
- Tab interface for Manage Themes and Install Themes in Appearance->Themes panel
- Improved child theme support; child theme use is highly encouraged and as described in the Child Themes article, very simple to accomplish
- New comment_form() that outputs a complete commenting form for use within a theme template
- The Default (Kubrick), and Classic themes, are no longer included in the WordPress distribution, but are available in the Theme repository
- Add Details and Install Now action links under each plugin listed in Install Plugins
- Allow Tab indenting, Shift-Tab (outdenting), and multi-line tabbing, in plugin editor
- Upgrade plugins in bulk from the Plugins->Installed panel (#11542)
- When deleting plugins, check for uninstall hooks, and warn of data deletion
- Add tag-to-category and category-to-tag converters to the Tools panel, add tag-to-category converter links to Posts->Post Tags panel
- Clean up OPML link export script
- Expanded filter criteria in Administration > Tools > Export panel
- Import WordPress fixes notices, attachments, and users
- Removed Turbo menu item, but because Turbo files weren't removed, Turbo may still work
- All importers moved to the plugin repository (e.g. WordPress Importer)
- Removed Settings->Miscellaneous admin menu, moved uploads settings to Settings->Media panel
- Revise Settings->General panel, change "Blog" reference to "Site"
- Revise Gray Admin Color Scheme
Install Process
- Choose username and password during installation rather than using 'admin'
- Show "Log In" button on install.php when "Already Installed"
- Automatic generation of Security Keys during installation
- Validate table_prefix in wp-config.php generator
- Standardize information in
- New Tools->Network panel to 'install' mulitsite/network ability, and is available only if WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE is defined in wp-config.php
- New Super Admin menu with Admin, Sites, Users, Themes, Options, Update, sub-menus (available only if is_multisite() && is_super_admin() )
- New Dashboard->My Sites panel
- New Tools->Delete Site panel
- Configure a Network (multisite/WPMU) using wp-config.php file
- Terminology changes regarding Sites, Blogs, Networks (see Andrew Nacin's explanation)